Ord 1546-ZONING ORDINANCE TO EFFECT THOSE AMENDMENTS REQUIRED BY THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLANORDINANCE NO. 1546 ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO EFFECT THOSE AMENDMENTS REQUIRED BY THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos hereby ORDAINS: cGrTTnu 1 Section 2.00.107 of the Town Zoning Ordinance is added, as follows: "SEC. 2.00.107: CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) The area in the Downtown which is zoned C -2." SECTION 2. Section 2.00.167 of the Town Zoning Ordinance is added, as follows: "SEC. 2.00.167: DOWNTOWN The area encompassed by the Downtown Specific Plan, as amended from time to time." MradrATRea Section 3.41.020 of the Town Zoning Ordinance is added, as follows: "SEC. 3.41.020:: PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR DOWNTOWN (1) The parking requirements for various uses in the Downtown are as follows: (a) Retail Uses: One Parking Space per 300 square feet (b) Offices /Services: One Parking Space per 250 square feet (c) Restaurant (No separate bar): One Parking Space per four seats (d) Restaurant (Separate bar): One Parking Space per three seats (e) Bar: One Parking Space per three seats (f) For uses not specifically listed in this subsection (1), the requirements shall be as set forth in Sec. 3.41.030 hereof. "(2) Upon adoption of the Parking Plan required by the Downtown Specific Plan, the parking requirements in the CBD shall be 80% of those stated in subsection (1) hereof, except for bars and restaurants with separate bars, which shall comply with the standards of subsection (1)." SFrTTON 4_ Section 3.41.030 of the Town Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: "The number of off - street parking spaces required for areas outside the Downtown is set in this section. When a use is not listed in this section, the Planning Director shall determine the parking requirements by analogy to the requirements for the listed uses." SECTION 5. Subsection (1) of Section 3.50.050 of the Town Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: "(1) The following uses are authorized to continue interminably: nonconforming residential, school,,church uses and non - residential uses in the Downtown when changed after July 1, 1982 from a zone where the use is permitted to one where it is not." SECTION 6. Section 4.56.020 of the Town Zoning Ordinance is amended to add sub - section (7), as follows: "(7) Single family and two - family uses, in conjunction with the other uses permitted in this section." SECTION 7. Section 4.72.020 of the Town Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 4.72.020: PERMITTED USES Activities allowed in the LM zone are those service - oriented and light industrial uses which may be inappropriate in a general commercial zone and which are in the following categories: (1) Retailing. (2) Personal service businesses. (3) Service businesses necessary for the conduct of households or businesses. - 2 - "(4) Office activities approved on or before July 1, 1982; provided, that no change of use to office shall be permitted in the LM zone. (5) Limited manufacturing. (6) Wholesaling and warehousing. Examples of proper LM activities are plumbing, heating and electrical contracting, equipment repair, laundry and drycleaning plants, paint suppliers, janitorial services, and towing businesses. Examples of activities which are not proper in the LM zone are vehicle sales, large -scale light industrial activity, and professional offices." SECTION 8. Section 4.86.185 is added to the Town Zoning Ordinance, as follows: "SEC. 4.86.185: EXEMPTIONS FOR RECONSTRUCTION Reconstruction of a designated structure shall be exempt from setback and height requirements if it is rebuilt as originally constructed, except for modifications approved in the permit." SECTION 9. Sub - section (1) of Section 5.20.040 of the Town Zoning Ordinance is amended to read, as follows: "SEC. 5.20.040: CONSIDERATIONS IN REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS The deciding body shall consider all relevant matter including, but not limited to, the following: (1) Considerations relatin to traffic safet and traffic congestion: Thee ect of t e site deve opment plan on traffic conditions on abutting streets; the layout of the site with respect to locations and dimensions of vehicular and pedestrian entrances, exits, drives, and walkways; the adequacy of off - street parking facilities to prevent traffic congestion; the location, arrangement, and dimension of truck loading and unloading facilities; the circulation pattern within the boundaries of the development, and the surfacing and lighting of off - street parking facilities. Any project or development that will add traffic to roadways and critical intersections in the Downtown shall be analyzed, and a determination made on the following matters: (1) the ability of critical roadways and major intersections to accommodate existing traffic; (2) increased traffic estimated for MM "approved developments not yet occupied; and (3) regional traffic growth and traffic anticipated for the proposed project one year after occupancy." SECTION 10. Section 5.20.045 is added to the Town Zoning Ordinance, as follows: "SEC. 5.20.045: SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS IN THE DOWNTOWN In reviewing applications in the Downtown, the deciding body shall consider, in addition to the factors listed in section 5.20.040, the following: (1) Considerations relating to outdoor advertising: Specialized lighting and sign systems to distinguish the Downtown area. (2) Considerations relating to landscaping: Trees and plants snail be approved by the Superintendent of Parks and Forestry for the purpose of meeting special Downtown criteria, including climatic conditions, maintenance, year -round versus seasonal color change (blossoms, summer foliage, autumn color), special branching effects and other considerations. (3) Considerations relate in fotm anid te layout: Buildings should strengt e image of the Downtown. Buildings should maximum preservation of solor access. Mid -block pedestrian arcades linking Santa Cruz Avenue with existing and new parking facilities shall be encouraged, and shall include such crime prevention elements as good sight lines and lighting systems. (4) Considerations relating to the exterior architectural desi n of buildin s and structures: Consistency and compati ility shall be encouraged in scale, massing, materials, color, texture, reflectivity, openings and other details. (5) Considerations relatin to li htin and street furniture: Street, wa way, an uil ing lig ting s oi-uuTT e designed so as to strengthen and reinforce the image of the Downtown. Street furniture and equipment, such as lamp standards, traffic signals, fire hydrants, street signs, telephones, mail boxes, refuse receptacles, bus shelters, drinking fountains, planters, kiosks, flag poles and other elements of the street environment should be designated and selected so as to strengthen and reinforce the Downtown image." MI's "(6) Considerations relating to traffic safety and traffic congestion: All developers all be required to show if their projects have any impacts on these critical roadways or intersections as follows: The deciding body shall review the application for traffic roadway /intersection capacity and make one of the following determinations: (a) The project will not impact any of the critical roadways and intersections causing the roadways and /or intersections to exceed their available capacities. (b) The project will impact the critical roadways and intersections causing the capacity of the roadway and intersections to be exceeded. Any project receiving Town determination (a) may proceed. Any project receiving only determination (b) shall not be approved. SECTION 11. Sub - section 3.f. of Section 5.20.205 of the Town Zoning Ordinance is amended to add an "X" in the column labeled LM. SECTION 12. Sub - section 5.b. of Section 5.20.205 of the Town Zoning Ordinance is amended to add an "X" in the columns labeled R -ID and LM. CFrTTnN 12 This ordinance takes effect 30 days after the date it is adopted. Within 15 days after this ordinance is adopted the Town Clerk shall cause it to be published once in a newspaper of general circulation and circulated in the Town. - 5 - This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on August 2nd , 1982, and adopted by the following vote as an ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos at a regular meeting of the Town Council on August 16th , 1982. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS Ruth Cannon, Thomas J. Ferrito, Peter W. Siemens and Mayor Brent N. Ventura NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS None ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ATTEST: COUNCIL MEMBERS None COUNCIL MEMBERS SIGNED: CLERK OF HE TOWN OF OS GATOS