Staff Report PREPARED BY : JIM HARBIN Facilities & Environmental Programs Manager Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, Finance Director, and Parks and Public Works Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ●A 40 8 -354 -68 32 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 0 6 /1 9 /2018 ITEM NO: 8 D ATE : JUNE 12 , 2018 TO : MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: LAUREL PREVETTI, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: PROJECT NUMBER 821 -2008 ENERGY EFFICIENCY UPGRADES TOWNWIDE AUTHORIZE THE TOWN MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE A LETTER OF INTENT AND EXECUTE A N AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES WITH SYSERCO ENERGY SOLUTIONS TO P ERFORM AN INVESTMENT GRADE AUDIT (IGA) FOR TOWN FACILITIES IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $3 4 ,750 RECOMMENDATION : A uthorize the Town Manager to negotiate and execute a Letter of Intent (Attachment 1) and execute a n Agreement for Consultant services (Attachment 2) with Syserco Energy Solutions to perform an Investment Grade Audit (IGA) for Town facilities in an amount not to exceed $3 4 ,750 . BACKGROUND : The Fiscal Year 2017/1 8 -2021/22 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget includes a project to conduct energy efficiency upgrades at Town facilities. This p ortion of the projec t would evaluate and provide a plan to update mechanical, lighting, and other related systems to improve energy efficiency. PG&E offers a means for accomplishing projects that save energy through a financing mechanism that allows for the payment of project costs on the utility bill over time , called On Bill Financing . Individual projects would be recommended based on the ability to balance the energy savings with the cost of the project within a ten -year payback timeframe. PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: PROJECT NUMBER 821 -2008 ENERGY EFFICIENCY UPGRADES TOWNWIDE JUNE 12 , 2018 S:\COUNCIL REPORTS \2018 \06 -19 -18 \Energy Efficiency Upgrades \Staff Report.FINAL.docx 6/14/2018 12:10 PM B CKGROUNDA(cont’d): Typically, thi s process is handled in several stages. The first stage is a preliminary facility review to identify projects that have potential to meet the ten -year payback threshold. These projects are then evaluated through a detailed investment grade audit that con ducts the calculations necessary to ensure the savings will materialize. Th e audit results in a report that identifies the projects recommended for construction and the audit is reviewed by a third party that is approved by PG&E to ensure accuracy . Altho ugh the potential expenditure associated with this item falls within the approval authority of the Town Manager, staff is seeking Town Council approval given the potential for innovative financing and future large capital improvement projects, all of which will also require Council approval based on the projected value. DISCUSSION : In April 201 8 , Public Works staff completed a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) process, soliciting proposals from e nergy s ervices c ompanies to provide a comprehensive assessment and turnkey solutions for potential projects (steps one and two from above). Syserco, was the only company who proposed and was selected as the most qualified respondent. Syserco has since completed the prel iminary facility assessment (Attachment 3) at no cost to the Town for the Civic Center, Police Operations Building, Corporation Yard , Library , Adult Recreation Center , and the Youth Recreation Center. With Council approval, Syserco will proceed with the audit and subsequent recommendations for projects in consultation with Parks and Public Works staff . P riority w ill be given to replacement of infrastructure that provides energy savings and meets the Towns needs for capital maintenance. At the conclusion of the i nvestment g rade a udit, staff estimates the development of a larger project or series of projects with a potential construction cost between $700,000 to $900,000 that could be funded through PG&E’sA On Bill Financing program. Th e a udit results and potential projects would be presented to Council for consideration prior to implementation. CONCLUSION : Authorize the Town Manager to negotiate and execute a Letter of Intent (Attachment 1) and execute an Agreement for Consultant services (Attachment 2) with Syserco Energy Solutions to perform an Investment Grade Audit (IGA) for Town facilities in an amount not to exceed $34,750. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: PROJECT NUMBER 821 -2008 ENERGY EFFICIENCY UPGRADES TOWNWIDE JUNE 12 , 2018 S:\COUNCIL REPORTS \2018 \06 -19 -18 \Energy Efficiency Upgrades \Staff Report.FINAL.docx 6/14/2018 12:10 PM COORDINATION : This report was coordinated with the Finance Department . FISCAL IMPACT : Funding for this project is included in the Fiscal Year 2017/18 -2021/22 CIP budget ; however , the cost of the audit would be incorporated into the projects costs upon future Council approval of a construction project. If the Town decides not to move forward with a co nstruction project, the audit would be paid for by through the CIP funding. If Syserco fails to identify viable projects, no compensation will be due. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT : The proposed agreement and the related services are not a project defined un der CEQA, and no further action is required. Attachment s : 1. Letter of Intent to Contract and Approval to Proceed with Detailed Engineering and Final Project Development . 2. Agreement for Consultant Services . 3. Preliminary Facility Assessment .